วันพุธที่ 23 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

คำบุพบทที่มีสามหรือสี่คำ (บุพบทวลี) (THREE OR FOUR-WORD PREPOSITIONS)

1.3 คำบุพบทที่มีสามหรือสี่คำ (บุพบทวลี) (THREE OR FOUR-WORD PREPOSITIONS)

บุพบทวลี (prepositional phrase) ส่วนใหญ่จะเกิดจากการนำเอาคำบุพบทสองคำไปใช้รวมกับคำนาม ได้แก่

by means of
by reason of
with regard to
with respect to
with the purpose of
with a view to
for fear of
for the benefit of

on behalf of
on the occasion of
on the part of
at the cost of
at the hands of
as a result of
in addition to
in case of

in comparison with
in front of
in regard to
in return to
in spite of
in the event of
in the course of
in the middle of


The program is for the benefit of the children.
The gift is for you on behalf of all our friends here.
We'll leave that matter at the hands of the boss.
Scott parked the car in front of his house.
There is a bicycle in the middle of the road.

A: This is on behalf of all of us here.
B: Oh, thank you very much.
A: It should be better in comparison with the old one you're using.

A: This is on the occasion of your birthday.
B: Thank you. I really appreciate it.
A: We hope you can make use of it in the course of your training.

