บทที่ 17 การตอบข้อเสนอ
(Replying to Proposals)
เมื่อได้ทราบข้อเสนอจากคู่สนทนาและพิจารณาข้อเสนอแล้ว เรามีวิธีการตอบข้อเสนอแบ่งออกได้เป็น 4 ลักษณะ คือ การตอบรับ (accepting) การตอบตกลงอย่างไม่เต็มใจ (accepting reluctantly) การตอบโดยมีข้อท้วงติง (raising objections) และการตอบปฏิเสธ (rejecting)
- Yes, I’m (all) in favor of that.
- I totally accept that.
- That’s got to be the best option/proposal.
- That’s a very good idea.
- That would be acceptable.
- I fully/completely agree.
- I think we could go along with that.
- I suppose that’s our/my only option.
- I’d accept that, but ... .
- That may be so, but ... .
- That may/might be right, but ... .
- There doesn’t seem to be much choice.
- Up to a point.
- To a certain extent.
- We have no alternative.
- I’d have to consider ... .
- I’m afraid that might not be feasible because ... .
- I’ve got a few reservations about that because ... .
- There are a few problems with that proposal/option.
- That proposal/option poses some problems.
- It’d depend on ... .
- I’m sorry, but I’m not very happy about that.
- (I’m afraid) I can’t accept that.
- I can’t go along with that.
- I don’t accept that.
- It’s not acceptable.
- I find it (very) difficult to accept your proposal.
- I’m afraid that wouldn’t ... (v.1).
- I’m afraid we couldn’t accept that.
- Mike: We could place our order by the beginning of each month.
Mary: That’s a very good idea. We can make our delivery by the third week of a month, then.
- Marty: There are a number of ways to design our systems to your company’s requirement, and the prices vary from $15,000-$20,000.
Nick: I think we could go along with that.
- Jay: There are several possibilities for product improvement.
Julie: That may be right, but it will cost us a lot of money.
- Pete: You have the options of laying off a few hundred workers or closing down the factory.
Norm: There doesn’t seem to be much choice.
- Richard: We can pay you in cash by the end of each month.
Roger: I’m afraid that might not be feasible because we clear our monthly account by the twenty-fifth of each month.
- Tim: How about sending you a new shipment?
Mary: I’m sorry, but I’m not very happy about that.
- Chang: We could cut down our staff to half.
Michael: I’m afraid that wouldn’t work.